José Luis Seixas Junior

Name:     José Luis Seixas Junior
Position: Ph.D. Student
Room:     7.26
Phone:    +36 30 732 3732
E-mail:    jlseixasjr (at) inf (dot) elte (dot) hu mail

Links:      mtmt   ORCID    googlescholar    rg    Linkedin

Short biography

Holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the State University of Londrina (UEL – Brazil). Former collaborating professor in Computer Science course at State University of Paraná and State University of Londrina (UNESPAR and UEL – Brazil). Emphasis on Digital Image Processing and Applied Machine Learning.

Research interests: Image Processing, and Machine Learning

Publications @ELTE:

J. L. SeixasT. Horváth: “KNN Algorithm with DTW Distance for Signature Classification of Wine Leaves”. In: Martin, Holeňa; Tomáš, Horváth; Alica, Kelemenová; František, Mráz; Dana, Pardubská; Martin, Plátek; Petr, Sosík (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2020) CEUR-WS(2020) pp. 130-136. (link to the article)

A. BalawiA. Al Zoabi, J. L. SeixasT. Horváth: Classification of a Small Imbalanced Dataset of Vine Leaves Images using Deep Learning Techniques“. In: Martin, Holeňa; Tomáš, Horváth; Alica, Kelemenová; František, Mráz; Dana, Pardubská; Martin, Plátek; Petr, Sosík (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2020) CEUR-WS(2020) pp. 108-114. (link to the article)



ELTE University - Faculity of Informatics
Data Science and Engineering Department

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Pázmány Péter str. 1/A
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+36-1-372-2500 ext. 8673
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