List of 2020 Publications


Z. Farou, N. Mouhoub, T. Horváth: “Data Generation Using Gene Expression Generator”. In: Yin, Hujun; Camacho, David; Novais, Paulo; Analide, Cesar (eds.) Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2020 Springer International Publishing, (2020) pp. 54-65. Paper: Chapter 6. (link to the article)

J. L. SeixasT. Horváth: “KNN Algorithm with DTW Distance for Signature Classification of Wine Leaves”. In: Martin, Holeňa; Tomáš, Horváth; Alica, Kelemenová; František, Mráz; Dana, Pardubská; Martin, Plátek; Petr, Sosík (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2020) CEUR-WS(2020) pp. 130-136. (link to the article)

A. BalawiA. Al Zoabi, J. L. SeixasT. Horváth: Classification of a Small Imbalanced Dataset of Vine Leaves Images using Deep Learning Techniques“. In: Martin, Holeňa; Tomáš, Horváth; Alica, Kelemenová; František, Mráz; Dana, Pardubská; Martin, Plátek; Petr, Sosík (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2020) CEUR-WS(2020) pp. 108-114. (link to the article)

G. Szegedi, D. Bajdikné Veres, I. Lendák, T. Horváth: “Context-based Information Classification on Hungarian Invoices”.  In: Martin, Holeňa; Tomáš, Horváth; Alica, Kelemenová; František, Mráz; Dana, Pardubská; Martin, Plátek; Petr, Sosík (ed.) Proceedings of the 20th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2020) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, (2020) pp. 147-151. (link to article)

T. Paul, T. Dániel Várkonyi: “Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques on Audio Signals”. In: Martin, Holeňa; Tomáš, Horváth; Alica, Kelemenová; František, Mráz; Dana, Pardubská; Martin, Plátek; Petr, Sosík (ed.) Proceedings of the 20th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2020) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, (2020) pp. 161-168. (link to the article)

A. Galloni, I. Lendák, T. Horváth: “A Novel Evaluation Metric for Synthetic Data Generation” . In: Yin, Hujun; Camacho, David; Novais, Paulo; Analide, Cesar (eds.) Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2020 Springer International Publishing, (2020) pp. 25-34. Paper: Chapter 3. (link to article)

P. Kiss, T. Horváth, V. Felbab: “Stateful Optimization in Federated Learning of Neural Networks” In: Yin, Hujun; Camacho, David; Novais, Paulo; Analide, Cesar (eds.) Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2020 Springer International Publishing, (2020) pp. 348-355. Paper: Chapter 33. (link to the article)

E. Zolotareva, T. Misikir Tashu, T. Horváth: Abstractive Text Summarization using Transfer Learning”. In: Martin, Holeňa; Tomáš, Horváth; Alica, Kelemenová; František, Mráz; Dana, Pardubská; Martin, Plátek; Petr, Sosík (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2020) CEUR-WS(2020) pp. 75-80. (link to the article)

T. Misikir Tashu: “Off-Topic Essay Detection Using C-BGRU Siamese”. In: 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), San Diego, CA, USA, 2020, pp. 221-225. (link to the article)

T. Misikir Tashu, T. Horváth: SmartScore-Short Answer Scoring Made Easy Using Sem-LSH”. In: Lisa, O’Conner (eds.) Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing Danvers (MA), United States of America: IEEE Computer Society(2020) pp. 145-149. (link to the article)


ELTE University - Faculity of Informatics
Data Science and Engineering Department

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