In March 2020, as part of an agreement with Microsoft Hungary, the Microsoft Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Center was established at ELTE in our Department. Microsoft provides Azure training materials, curriculum and a tryout computing capacity for teachers and students. The goal of our team – already familiar with the Artificial Intelligence services provided by Microsoft under the Azure cloud platform – is to provide more young professionals with the knowledge…
Category: News
BSc-Student’s successes at our department
In this semester two studentsd submitted thier innovative thises and got good results. Mr. Ahmed Blej wrote his thesis under the title Web Application for Grapevine Image Annotation and Mr. David Szabo’s thesis had the title Decision making supporting with essay score prediction.
Dr. Krisztian Buza had finished his mission at our department
After more than one year cooperation Dr. Krisztian Buza finished his work at our department. He hed applied the position of Head of Department of an other dapertment in Faculty of Informatics of ELTE University. The dean of our Faculty has elected Dr. Krisztian Buza for this position. All of us are very proud, and we wish Good Luck for our former collegue.
Interview with Dr. Krisztian Buza
A new interview was published with Dr. Krisztian Buza in the ELTE online magazin. The main topic were the role of data scienceand MI focused on the time series and regression, and the the cooperation of Deutsche Telekom and ELTE. The artice can be read in Hungarian language here.
Cooperation in the eEdition of Proceedings ADBIS 2018
Dr. Tomas Horvath, the Head of our Department, was member of editior-team of the proceedings ADBIS 2018 held in Budapest (Hungary) between September 2–5, 2018. The website of the book can be found here.
Attendance of Our Departmenton on ITAT 2018
The paper by three members of our department, Dr. Tomas Horvath, the Head of the Department, and two PhD-stundents Andrea Galloni and Balázs Horváth was accepted in the conference ITAT2018 held is Slovakia. The paper can be downloaded here.
Head of you department published a new textbook about the data mining (Wiley)
Dr. Tomás Horváth, the head of our department, was the co-author of the textbook about the data mining. The book was published at Wiley. The site of the book can be found here.
New assistant professor is hired at the department.
Dr. Krisztian Buza has been hired at the department from 1st of July of 2018. His profile can be seen here.
Presentation at the conference of Association of the Hungarian Information Specialists
Dr. Tomas Hovath, the head of our department held a presentation at the conference of Association of the Hungarian Information Specialists. The subject of his presentation was the automating data mining and machine learning in practical point of view. The following pictures were made on the event: More information (in Hungarian):
Meeting of the MELISSAE PROJECT in Paris
Dr. Tomas Horváth, the head of our department took part in the metting of Melissae Project, Thhis project passed the stage 1 and the it is under evaulating in stage 2. If the prosposal will be accepted by the authories of EU, our department is going to able to join to an international research projects. The pictures were made on the meeting: