Author: horvatha

Presentation on ITAT2017

Dr. Tomás Horváth, head of the department, and Balázs Horváth, our new PhD-student, had a presentation in the conference ITAT 2017. Titel of their publication: Evaluating Data Sources for Crawling Events from the Web. The paper can be downloaded from here.

New researcher at our department

Dr. Imre Lendák has joined our department. He starts at 1st of September.

Dr. Tomás Horváth in a PhD thesis defense committee

Dr. Tomas Horváth, the head of the department, was participating in a PhD thesis defense committee at the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Slovakia. He was also a reviewer of the thesis entitled “Navigation Leads for Exploratory Search and Navigation in Digital Libraries” by Róbert Móro.

Meetup in Košice (Slovakia) in June

Dr. Tomas Horvath, the head of the department, was invited to give a talk on “Rating Prediction and Item Recommendation” at the Eastcode Sessions meetup in Košice, Slovakia. The talk was about basic matrix factorization approaches for rating prediction and item recommendation. Furher information:

Meetup in Košice (Slovakia) in April

Dr. Tomas Horvath, the head of the department, had an invited talk on “First Steps Towards Big Data” at the Eastcode Sessions meetup in Košice, Slovakia. The presentation was about basic machine learning algorithm and their possible use in recommendation scenarios. Further informations about the meetups:

Telekom Open City Services project launched

The project “Telekom Open City Services” financed by Magyar Telekom has been launched on 1st March, 2017. More information you can find here.

Our student’s participation on 3rd International Winter School on Big Data

Two our PhD-Students, Péter Kiss and Dávid Fonyó took part on the 3rd International Winter School on Big Data (Bari/Italy, February 13-17, 2017).

eBIZ kick-off meeting on 10-11th January, 2017

The EIT Digital project “Business Information Zone (eBIZ)” was launched by the kick-off meeting of the participants. More information you can find here.

Presentation in conference and visitation the University of Porto.

On 14th-16th December, 2016 the head of our department presented his paper on the 16th Conference on Intelligent Systems, Design and Application. The title of his presentation was Effects of Random Sampling on SVM Hyper-parameter Tuning, and the abstract of the paper is the follows:

Telekom Leading Data Hackathon

On the 9-10th December, 2016 our department took part in organisation of the Leading Data Hackathon by Magyar Telekom. More Information about this event can be found here.


ELTE University - Faculity of Informatics
Data Science and Engineering Department

1117 Budapest,
Pázmány Péter str. 1/A
Northern Building
+36-1-372-2500 ext. 8673
Postal Address
1518 Budapest, P. O. Box 120.